I'd like to say I won that one, but perhaps I could describe it as a draw? Our work group has been provided two ipads so that we might come to better understand the minds of the new humans. At least if you follow all the hype you might think of them as new humans, almost a different species. I meet them daily at the desk and they seem just like the old humans to me; that is, perfectly human and generally very nice. Still, it is best, as the world turns, to keep up with the changes. So today I introduced myself to the the ipad we call Henry (not that you can tell the difference between him and Georgina if it weren't for the labels I put on them) and said 'hello'. We did not get on well from there because Henry kept his mouth shut and would not not assist me in any way. I have been told the Henrys and Georginas of this world are suppose to be intuitive. If they are, they are faking being obnoxious and obtuse to an excellent degree. Of course you might say I am the one with the intuition. True enough, I do, and a good deal of stick-to-ativeness, which is why I have managed, without breaking Henry over the edge of my desk in frustration, and a couple of calls to people with their own ipads, to take photos, front and back, and to send them to Henry's email (which I can open) and voila....my latest book repair underway.

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